Carousell is a mobile classifieds marketplace that makes selling as easy as taking a photo, buying as simple as chatting. Launched in August 2012, Carousell began in Singapore and has spread to 19 cities around the world. With over 57 million listings, we are one of the world’s largest and fastest growing marketplaces. Carousell has been ranked as the top Lifestyle and Shopping app in Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and is backed by leading international Venture Capitalists Sequoia India, Rakuten Ventures, 500 Startups, Golden Gate Ventures, and QuestVC. Download the app for iOS or Android, and visit for more information.


Carousell 旋轉拍賣為社群拍賣平台,讓賣東西跟拍照一樣簡單、買東西跟聊天一樣容易。

Carousell 旋轉拍賣於 2012 年 8 月上線,自新加坡出發並拓展至台灣、香港、印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、澳洲等國家。平台上擁有 6,500 萬件上架商品,超過 30 種多元的商品分類,包含汽車、電子產品及時尚配件等,為全球成長最快及最大的行動拍賣平台之一。

Carousell 旋轉拍賣在新加坡、台灣與香港均於手機購物應用程式排名中名列前茅,並獲得紅杉資本(Sequoia India)、樂天創投 (Rakuten Ventures)、500 Starups、金門創投 (Golden Gate Ventures) 以及 QuestVC 等多家創投的投資。