Selling in Three Seconds: The Technical Challenge

  • 2017/06/07(水) 19:30(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google カレンダー )
  • SYNTREND 11F STARTUP CAFE / 100 台灣台北市中正區市民大道三段 2 號 11 樓
  • 100 / 100
  • Carousell 旋轉拍賣

Carousell 旋轉拍賣是第一個達到 30 秒上架物品與銷售的行動電商平台,現在我們的新目標是讓上架商品在 3 秒內完成! 這次 Carousell 的 VP Engineering (Jordan Dea-Mattson) 特別飛到台灣與你分享,Carousell 如何協助用戶達到 3 秒上架、產品工程團隊遇到的困難與挑戰為何、以及我們如何見招拆招,解決問題!


誠摯歡迎所有對 Carousell 有興趣的朋友來參加分享,期待與你相見!

備註:請注意活動將以英文進行,現場備有小點心與飲品,歡迎提早前來享用 :D



Carousell was the first to break the 30 second barrier to create a listing to sell your stuff. Now we have set the goal of getting of breaking the 3 seconds barrier. Come and hear the technical challenges we face and how we will address them from Carousell’s Vice President of Software Engineering, Jordan Dea-Mattson.


We kindly invite all friends and software engineers who are interested in Carousell Engineering to attend this event to hear more about our team.


Please note that the event will be conducted in English. Snacks and drinks will be provided, you are encouraged to arrive earlier to enjoy them!

SYNTREND 11F STARTUP CAFE / 100 台灣台北市中正區市民大道三段 2 號 11 樓


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
Free Admission

~ 2017/06/07 19:30(+0800) 販売終了
  • 無料